Thursday, September 27, 2007

The producer of our recordings is Toronto’s own David Gray, so we like to drag him into the limelight now and then. First off, Dave’s a killer guitar player - so good that Butterfield tried to pry him out of Parachute Club to join a band he wanted to put together in California with the great Ben Keith. So that’s nice. Mostly, though, he’s our wonderful producer, a master of diverse musical genres who takes infinite pains with our material and, well, us. It was Dave (we often call him DG) who suggested Rebecca would be perfect for the band, and we all know how great that’s been. He also got folks like Colin Linden, Richard Bell, Roxanne Potvin and Teddy Leonard onside. He loans us gear too (DG has tons of gear) and encouraged Stuey to learn the pedal steel guitar, which adds a great new sound to our music.
Like us, DG has a keen interest in the original Blues/Roots/Country musician Porkbelly Futures from whom we get our name and inspiration. He even has a couple of original (and, unfortunately unlistenable) Porkbelly recordings.