Friday, December 14, 2007

Quarrington here, with late-breaking news flashes.

Porkbelly Futures played a lovely event the other night, a Christmas Party hosted by my friend Judith Keenan, who makes BookShorts, which are short films inspired by books. You could check out the website to see what I’m talking about. (Martin Worthy, our fabulous singer/songwriting drummer has done the music for some of these.) Anyway, the party was co-hosted by Irene Duma (who has made several BookShorts) and Sue Kenney (who had a BookShort made from her book, “Confessions of a Pilgrim”.) We’re going to be producing a BookShort for my upcoming novel “The Ravine.” The Gents performed also, a very accomplished comedy troupe, featuring the talents of Bruce Pirrie (another BookShorts veteran), Matt Baram, Bob Bainborough and Doug Morency. And Marty Adams, a mainstay at Toronto’s Second City, played Santa Claus. There was high hilarity.

Also, Quarrington (me) is very jazzed about the upcoming round of Canada Reads, because his (my) friend Dave Bidini is going to champion the hockey novel “King Leary.” It’s been almost impossible to get hold of this book, which is one of his (my) faves. But it’s out in a lovely new edition from Anchor Press. Anyway, read all about it HERE.