Friday, June 6, 2008

London, Ontario is populated with lovely people. Some of these people seem to like Porkbelly Futures, because we keep getting asked back. London Free Press music journalist James Reaney recently published his annual summer concert guide, saying "I am thrilled to think of Toronto's Porkbelly Futures, the only band that can stand comparison with THE BAND, playing in Victoria Park. For free."
This is a reference, of course, to London's Home County Festival. We hope to see you there. And if we meet Mr. Reaney there we'll... well, we'll buy him a drink.
It seems we have some fans in PORK COLBORNE, Ontario.
Our debut CD Way Past Midnight (now available in Europe, as well as on iTunes) has received a lovely review from the UK's biggest selling music magazine, Q4Music.
The part we like best says: Pork Belly Futures play what they call “red eyed soul” and everyone else calls “12 bar blues”. Their music is muscular and rollicking, but what really makes them a little special is the bar room wit, such as Hemingway (“Hemingway always gets it right, With a simple syntax and a prose that’s right”) – a trucker style anthem for the thinking drinker.