Thursday, July 17, 2008

UNCUT Magazine is a popular U.K. monthly publication based in London. Our debut Way Past Midnight CD (now available in Europe on the Wildflower Records label) received this lovely review in Uncut's July issue: "Got Them Ol' Literary Salon Blues Again..."
"Blues songs about Ernest Hemingway and Booker winner Michael Ondaatje? Given that the delta pioneers were mostly illiterate, this latest contribution to the current blues revival is an improbably highbrow affair that reflects the status of main songwriter Paul Quarrington as one of Canada's leading novelists. Quarrington possesses a fine voice that sounds uncannily like James Taylor (remember his 12-bar homage "Steamroller" on Sweet Baby James?) and the band–complete with bassist moonlighting from the Toronto Symphony Orchestra–can choogle and boogie with the best."
Nigel Williamson, Uncut Magazine

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